
CWI Provider Certification

This training will provide an overview for the CWA Climbing Wall Instructor Certification Program for prospective instructor training providers. This training will also serve as a continuing education option for certified instructors. During this course, a review of the program policy manual, CWA industry practices, the student manual and curricula, and general course flow will be presented. A portion of the training will be spent in scenarios to develop provider skills in the consistent nationwide delivery of CWI course content, fair student evaluation, providing effective feedback, risk management, and in discussing the consensus pass/fail standards. The CWI Provider Training Course is an eight-hour course including limited lecture content. However, it has an emphasis on demonstration, group discussion of the program/curricula, and review of course flow scenarios. This course is offered by the Climbing Wall Association (CWA), see website for details.

Course Outline:

  • Overview of CWI Certification Program
  • Maintaining the Program
  • CWA Industry Practices
  • The Curriculum – CWI Certification Program Student Manual
  • Sample Course Flow
  • Sample Scenarios and Exercises
  • Training Review + Debrief

The goals of the CWI Provider Program are as follows:

  • Educate provider pool members in the Climbing Wall Instructor Certification program and to prepare pool members to be effective advocates for the program
  • Help provider pool members understand the program’s policies and procedures
  • Familiarize candidates with program materials
  • Train provider pool members to administer and deliver courses within the CWI certification program and to familiarize candidates with program materials
  • Train provider pool members in the CWA Industry Practices
  • Train provider pool members in the program curricula
  • Train provider pool members in evaluating and applying course standards, use of the evaluation instrument, and how to assess climbing wall students consistently and fairly
  • Communicate the risk management and safety measures to be employed during the course
  • Ensure that the certification program is delivered with consistency and quality
  • Provide a forum for provider pool members to have questions answered and discuss program issues


CWI Provider Certification is available through the CWA. Please visit this link to learn more.