
  • NCSU - NicroLite Walls


Nicros-DropZone™ is available  in a number of thicknesses and colors as the top layer is carpet bonded foam. Seamed with 4” Velcro tape, this landing surface is easy to install and replace or repair. It also provides a cost savings over poured-in-place landing surface products.

With custom installation, this landing surface can be tailored to meet the requirements and design of any facility. Due to the ease of installation, this product can also be installed by the end user.

 When you land on Drop-Zone™, you will notice that it doesn’t give way but rather feels like landing on a substantial surface. You will notice a light bouncy feel as the force of your body weight is absorbed by the foam and carpet bonded foam layers.

This landing surface is very easy to maintain, clean, and vacuum.  In the event that the product is damaged, you can simply replace the damaged portion. The carpet bonded foam used is the same as used in the gymnastics industry around the world lending credit to the durability of this product.