
Round 136

Hello Eric! I’m getting back into climbing after a fairly long absence (8 years); I began climbing at age 12 and climbed (and competed) at... Read More

Round 135

Hi Eric, Is strength training and building muscle mass in the lower body detrimental to climbing success? –Kinza (Texas) Hi Kinza, We do train deadlifts... Read More

Round 134

Hi Eric, My first year of climbing I became strong quickly and improved steadily, yet recently I have plateaued. So I’m thinking about doing some... Read More

Round 133

Dear Eric, What’s the best way to learn to climb more with the legs and less with the arms? I’m a struggling beginner and my... Read More

Round 132

I have been bouldering for about 11 months, and while I see the improvement of my fellow climbers, I don't seem to be improving at all!... Read More