
Round 123

I have climbed indoors and outside a handful of times, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it each time. I’d like to begin some formal training--any... Read More

Round 122

Hey Eric, I have been climbing for about a year and a half, and I frequent the gym at least 4 times per week. I... Read More

Round 121

 Hi Eric, I’m a novice climber (11 months). I train together with a friend following your 4-3-2-1 cycle, and we are both really progressing. We... Read More

Round 120

First of all I’d like to say that I’m a big fan. Unfortunately, for the past year I’ve been struggling to improve my maximum strength,... Read More

Round 119

Hi Eric, I’m doing some research into climbing specific training and I can’t find a definition (and training guidelines) for “power” or “power endurance”, etc.... Read More

Round 118

I’ve just finished my first periodized training cycle, and I am now beginning my second. I’ve realized that I naturally build muscle quite easily, however... Read More