
Round 117

I was a basketball player before I started climbing, so I have large, muscular thighs. I’d like to drop some of that muscle mass without... Read More

Round 116

Hi Eric, Can you please give me more info on the ”Stamina Workout” (p.182) in Training for Climbing? Should I be trying to climb, say,... Read More

Round 115

Hi Eric, I've just turned 40 a few months ago, and after 1.5 years of climbing and training, I've managed to reach my first significant... Read More

Round 114

I’m trying to break through a plateau with route climbing and I was hoping you might be able to help. I boulder up to V9... Read More

Round 113

Hi Eric, What age do you recommend youth climbers begin training on the campus board and finger board?  – John (Georgia) Hi John, There's no... Read More

Round 112

Having just relocated to Lexington, KY, I'm really looking forward to climbing at the Red River Gorge. However, between a busy new job, a wife who... Read More