
Round 11

What's the best way to improve bouldering and lead ability? Q: What is the best way to improve my bouldering and lead abilities? -Jason (Pittsburgh,... Read More

Round 10

What is the best way to increase my endurance? Q: What is the best way to increase my endurance and recovery time? Thanks for the... Read More

Round 9

Should I climb through elbow pain? Q: I have occasional elbow pain that subsides if I take 3 good days of rest. If I rest... Read More

Round 8

How to train for crack climbing indoors? Q: Dear Eric, I'm a solid 5.10 climber (just breaking into 5.11 sport routes), however, my trad skills... Read More

Round 7

What is the optimal recovery interval between climbs? Q: What is the optimal recovery interval between climbs? -- Ellis (England) A: Ellis, Optimal recovery time... Read More

Round 6

What's the best entry-level training for climbing? Q: Hey Eric, I am currently reading your book, Training for Climbing and I am enjoying learning the... Read More

Round 5

What is the best wall training strategy for building Anaerobic Endurance? Q: Eric, I have a question about the 2-week A-E ("power endurance") phase as... Read More

Round 4

How to lose weight and enhance performance? Q: As a 44-year-old, I've acquired some extra baggage that I'd like to lose. Climbing has helped me... Read More

Round 3

How to train to improve on 5.9s and 5.10s? Q: Eric, I have been climbing 2 years--very seriously for the past year. I have recently... Read More

Round 2

How can I lose excess bodyfat? Q: How can I lose excess weight and burn fat while climbing. If I kept the same amount of... Read More