Podcast: Energy System Training (and more!)

tfc3-cover-200pixelsIf you want to learn some cutting-edge climbing science and training know how, then grab a pencil and paper and listen to this one-hour podcast!

I recently sat down with an old friend, Kris “Odub” Hampton, to talk about my just released (3rd) edition of Training for Climbing. In this fast-paced podcast, Kris and I dig into a few of the new training concepts explored in this new book—you’ll learn about the importance of stabilizer-muscle training, daily undulating periodization, energy system training, and much more. This a content-rich podcast, and I’ve been told by several listeners that they played it beginning to end two or three times to absorb all the details. Of course, you can pick up a copy of the from Nicros, your local bookstore or gym, or from my web site.

You can subscribe to Kris’ podcasts on iTunes or via his website PowerCompanyClimbing.com.