You know kids love to climb. Whether it’s on chairs, over desks, or in trees. They know the thrill of overcoming physical challenges and conquering new territory. Encourage that sense of adventure and develop their natural athleticism at your school with a climbing wall from Nicros.
Even if you’re new to climbing, Nicros can help you add climbing to your school’s education program with our unique experiential learning curriculum. The Climbing For Kids™ curriculum will help you teach the basics of climbing such as safety, technique, and training. Plus, your kids will learn skills for life, like teamwork, communication, group cooperation, interpersonal skills, and the encouragement of others.
Whether you’re just getting started with a climbing program or are adding to an existing one, Nicros has all the solutions you need at great savings. Browse our catalog or website at your leisure without high-pressure sales pitches. If you have a question, you can always call at 651-778-1975 to speak to one of our experts. We’ll help you find the climbing component or package that’s just right for your kids.