

Nicros introduced Advanced Rock Technology or A.R.T.Wall™ in 1994, creating the most realistic glass-fiber reinforced concrete rock climbing system found in the industry today.


A.R.T.Wall™ climbing walls are manufactured and constructed in such a way that they not only look like real rock, but climb like it as well. A.R.T.Wall™ is made from molds of real rock, perfectly reproducing shapes only found in nature. Because it’s made from glass-fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC), it’s not only extremely strong and resilient, it also has the solid feel and texture of real rock. Our skilled installer’s attention to detail adds to the final touch providing a finished product that even Mother Nature would be proud of.



Appearance. Visually stunning, A.R.TWall™ is the only climbing wall system that truly looks like real rock.  The A.R.TWall™ castings duplicate natural rock so well, you can hardly tell that the finished climbing wall is not a real rock formation.

Versatility. Not only can you climb on features that are realistic but you can also climb on modular handholds. A.R.T.Wall™ accepts modular bolt-on handholds for greater versatility in route-setting. Our method for attaching handholds to the wall is superior to similar walls by providing a truly flat surface where the handhold is placed.  These Flat circular disks have been designed into the climbing surface to virtually eliminate the all-too-common problem of handholds not sitting properly.

Feel. Since A.R.TWall™ is made of glass-fiber reinforced concrete, it has that cool rock-like feel and texture. Our professionally engineered structural framework is so solid that there is no bending or flexing of the surface, commonly found with other systems.

Durability. In addition to being great indoors,  A.R.TWall™  can withstand the harmful effects of weather, making it perfect for outdoor applications and harsh environments.

Design. A.R.T.Wall™ can be tinted to achieve a number of desired effects (i.e. tinted to match local rock). Castings can be configured into just about any design conceivable. Designs can include cracks, overhanging areas, dihedrals, arêtes, roofs, vertical sections, and any other climbing formation.

Handholds. Special modular handholds have been designed to mimic the feel and appearance of real rock.  These special handholds and create an even more realistic look and feel to the already stunning A.R.TWall™. Check out the Nicros Handhold Store for our complete line of products.

The first step in the process is the design phase. Depending on the project, this is either rendered as simple plan views and cross-sectional drawings or CAD renditions. Once a design is chosen, the engineering begins. All Nicros climbing wall designs are engineered to meet or exceed industry standards (CWA General Specification for the Design and Engineering of Artificial Climbing Structures, First Edition). Upon completion of the engineering, a steel frame is erected and the Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) castings are lifted into place and attached to the frame via secondary steel that is welded to the primary steel frame. Panels are typically six to seven feet wide and six to seven feet tall and can be oriented in any direction by our artisans to create the desired effect or climbing difficulty. Castings are placed with care to line up longer features such as cracks to mimic natural rock. Once all the castings are in place and are tied together, the embossing process begins. Two coats of concrete are applied – a base coat and an emboss coat. Embossing closes the gaps between the adjacent panels and helps to blend the different castings together, providing a uniform look to the wall. Once the wall is embossed and cleaned, the wall is then tinted to simulate shades of real rock. Finally, the protection anchors and handholds are installed and the landing surface added. After a final inspection, your wall is ready for use.

To download our specifications document for this product, please click here.